
We Help IT Professionals Stay Educated

2020 taught us that working and learning online is more productive, efficient, and often times more satisfying, than what we were accustomed to.

From management’s perspective, having employees work and learn online with flex time schedules results in increased productivity and cost efficiency. This is particularly true when it comes to IT learning and certifications earned.

Who We Serve

IT Service Providers

With a quarter of a century experience training IT professionals on organization-specific Project Management, Cisco, Cybersecurity, AWS, and Process Management tools, we ensure your IT staff is ahead of the game in knowledge acquisition, acumen, and skills plus certification licensed in all necessary disciplines.

All courses are virtual, available live, on-demand, and via mobile and backed up by widely respected instructors, coaches, and mentors. EBooks, testing, and over 3,000 instructional videos are available 24/7 for student supplemental learning.


Healthcare IT Professionals

Healthcare IT is perhaps the fastest changing discipline within a rapidly changing field. ETBS delivers virtual live, on-demand, and mobile cutting edge courses taught by top rated professionals complete with coaching and mentoring to guarantee student mastery of not only the programs but also the nuances as they relate specifically to healthcare.

Ensure your IT staff has the latest cutting edge training and is certified in HCISPP, cybersecurity, information security, project management, and more.


Higher Education IT Professionals

Higher education IT departments are faced with multi-pronged obligations – to students and parents; to the integrity and security of the institution, and to any and all proprietary work in stages of R&D.

ETBS understands that the core approach of higher education is based on a decentralized concept – something often contradictory to traditional IT training. This is why all our cybersecurity, network, and operating systems courses are designed to function within this concept while fully aligning to the highest IT standards of security.

Discover The Benefits
Live, On-Demand & Mobile
People retain and master subjects at varying rates. Some people learn best in the middle of the night; others during the day. Understanding and accommodating both learning nuances and job demands is why ETBS offers unlimited access to all our Professional IT online courses Live, On-demand, and on any device. Our goal is to guarantee the success of your IT team and department.
Fresh, Current Content
IT is not static! Changes happen at a frequency that can leave your company vulnerable to disaster – let alone inefficiencies. While most IT training courses are updates yearly, ETBS updates courses MONTHLY and more often if needed. This ensures all participants have the absolute latest real-world security fixes, bug patches, shortcuts, and more.
Certification Pass Rate – 96%
Our goal is to produce the most competent IT professionals in the field and on the market . Take courses as many times as you want. ETBSoffers counseling and mentoring every step of the way + labs and practice exams to increase course content knowledge and comfort in applying it to real-world situations. With a 96% Certification rate, ETBS tops any Professional IT Training program on the market.
Coaching & Mentoring
If learning is to be effective, questions arise. Sometimes guidance is needed. That’s why all our Professional IT courses offer access to renowned instructors in the forms of coaching and mentoring. The more your IT members know – the better they can do their job. Giving them the opportunity to learn is up to you; by doing so you guarantee their vested dedication to your goals.
Netflix-like Program Learning Library
We offer unlimited access to over 100 Professional IT courses on the most relevant topics for one low yearly fee. Don’t limit yourself to one class a year due to budget restraints. Stay ahead of the game; take as many courses as you want during the year. You and your company reap the rewards of a highly educated, trained, and certified trouble-shooting Professional IT team.
Labs, Books, Practice Exams
Proven fact: Learning is most successful when classroom and virtual learning is combined. With over 3,000 course-relevant eBooks, a video resource library beyond compare, fully immersive hands-on labs, counseling, mentoring, practice exams, and a certification rate of 96%, ETBS ensures your Professional IT team is at the top of their game … today and tomorrow.
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